Mike is a service design lead based in Prophet’s Austin office. In a world where services power our economy and surround the digital and physical products we use on a daily basis, Mike seeks to create value for all stakeholders touched by a service. His work at Prophet has spanned healthcare, durable goods, retail, and clean energy.

Prior to Prophet, Mike worked as a designer and strategist at a boutique product firm in Chicago, specializing in product design language development and design research. His forays into marrying design and strategy inspired him to pursue an MBA from University of Virginia, Darden School of Business, where he interned at Samsung Electronics America. He received his B.S.D. in Industrial Design from Ohio State University.

Mike is active in the Austin makerspace community, specializing in fine furniture and digital fabrication. He flies small planes in his free time and enjoys exploring his adopted state one municipal airport at a time.

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