A Guide to Driving Organizational Change for the Future of Work

Evolving from traditional to transformational change management isn’t easy. Yet it is the surest path to growth.

Want to get your organization fit for the future working landscape?

The past year has shown the critical capacity organizations need to build for change. The COVID-19 crisis accelerated many organizations’ re-examination of their ways of working and cultural norms. It also introduced a profound new set of forces of organizational change, putting many organizations’ culture and resilience to the test.

To thrive today, companies need to evolve from traditional to transformational change management across all levels of the organization in order to support long-term growth and build resilience.

The latest research from our Organization & Culture practice looks beyond the self-evident insights of 2020 to propose a way forward for leaders driving transformation and how to make an organization fit for change.

This report provides deeper insights on:

  • The critical new forces of cultural change shifting the landscape and shaping transformation for years to come
  • A new change model that tracks an organization’s ability to transform across multiple measures
  • The three primary areas where leaders should invest to help their organizations become fit for the future working landscape
  • How to identify your organization’s fitness level and the kind of work needed to strengthen it for transformation
  • The connection between an organization’s change fitness level, its ability to take on transformation and positive financial outcomes

Download the report below.

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Fit for Change: Driving Growth and Transformation in the New Future of Work

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