Brand and Demand Marketing: A Love Story 

It’s time for brand and demand to stop competing – because together, they are the ultimate power couple to build relevance and unlock uncommon growth.

Today’s marketing organizations are experiencing tension between brand marketing and demand generation – a tension that undercuts growth and harms performance.  

But it’s time for brand and demand teams to stop thinking in silos and instead, work together in harmony on a shared agenda.  

To learn how the most effective organizations balance brand and demand we interviewed 10 senior marketing executives and surveyed 500+ global marketing and advertising leaders for our report: Brand and Demand Marketing: A Love Story.  

Key Takeaways

In our research, we uncovered the factors influencing investment decisions and operating model setup. We also looked for ways the best marketers measure the success of brand and demand. 

We found that the most effective marketers follow four common principles:  

  • Anchor Marketing Investment in Business Objectives 
  • Experiment to Win 
  • Build a Modern Marketing Organization 
  • Put the Customer at the Center

Brand and Demand Marketing: A Love Story 

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